-- Select an algorithm --
Adds days to a date
Date difference
Date for a given day in a given year
Date from a Julian day
Date of the change of calendar
Day of the week
Day of the year
Easter date
Finds if a date is in the Gregorian calendar
Finds if the year is a Gregorian leap year
Finds if the year is a Julian leap year
Finds if the year is a leap year
Gregorian Easter date
Julian Easter date
Julian day 0 of a year
Julian day of a date
Julian day of a date in the Gregorian calendar
Julian day of a date in the Julian calendar
Mean sidereal time at Greenwich
Modified Julian day
Sets the date of the change of calendar
Converts degrees into a given format
Converts degrees into degrees, minutes and seconds
Converts degrees into hours, minutes and seconds
Converts degrees into modulo 360.
Converts degrees, minutes and seconds into degrees
Converts hours, minutes and seconds into degrees
Converts seconds of arc into a given format
Distance between two points
Earth ellipsoid
Nutation in longitude
Nutation in obliquity
Radius of a parallel
Radius of curvature
Sets the Earth ellipsoid
ρ cos Φ' (rho cos phi prime)
ρ sin Φ' (rho sin phi prime)
Last error
List of the algorithms
Nutation arguments (internal use)
Sets an error
Test of the algorithms
Run the tests
Michel Corne
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