The Chambers's encyclopaedia (A-Pe), a dictionary of universal knowledge, William & Robert Chambers, 1901
10 volumes - 8 000 pages - 40,000 entries
The Chambers's Encyclopaedia is “a stocktaking in almost every department of science”. It “strives to be at once comprehensive, compact, accurate, lucid, readable, and handy for reference”.
Links to the books at
- Volume 1: A - Beaufort
- Volume 2: Beaugency - Cataract
- Volume 3: Catarrh - Dion
- Volume 4: Dionysius - Friction
- Volume 5: Friday - Humanitarians
- Volume 6: Humber - Malta
- Volume 7: Maltebrun - Peary
- Volume 8: Peasant - Roumelia
- Volume 9: Round - Swansea
- Volume 10: Swastika - Zyrianovsk